的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...极: I the utmost point; extreme白热化: turn white-hot; fervorizatio ...白热的: candent; glowing; incandescent; white hot; whitehot白热化的: perfervid白热化: turn white-hot; fervorization 争论达到了白热化的程度。 the debate became white-hot白热的;遇热发光的: incandescent极热的: boiling白热化经济: red-hot economy使白热化: incandesce非常热心的,热烈的,白热化的: perfervid争论达到了白热化的程度: the debate became white hot白热: glowing heat; incandescence; of fervor; white flame heat; white glowing; white heat; white hot; white-glowing; whitehot; whiteglow; whiteness; zeal极热的东西: scorcher热的: ardent; caloric; calorific effect; caloritic; febriie; fervent; fervid; heated; heiss adj; hotter; hottest; molten; thermal; thermic白热带: zone of incandescence白热灯: incandescent lamp白热地: glowingly白热光: glow白热丝: white-hot filament白热焰: incandescent flame白热罩: incandescent gas mantle; incandescent mantle蛋白热: protein fever蓝白热: blue-white heat白热棒试验: incandescence bar test